ali durfey
design | illustration | hand lettering
Stow Union
Stow Union Vintage is a mobile project created in 2015, in Somerville, MA. Originally a store front in the heart of Union Square, Stow Union sells vintage home goods and clothing from as early as the 1890's to the 1990's. We take pride in researching and caring well for each of our products, as well as providing our customers with warmth that can only come from reclaiming quality pieces.
Stow Union has participated in The Somerville Flea, The Union Square Farmer's Market, Rock N'Roll Yard Sale, and Somerville's own beloved, annual Fluff Festival.

Stow Union is currently making moves toward creating a shiny new brick and mortar in Union Square. With crowd-sourced funding, we are rebuilding the brand to reflect just how resilient the members of our community, and Somerville small business family, can be. Stow is participating in Holiday Markets, the schedules of which can be found here.
With so many vintage gems to be found in New England, we are beyond proud to call the numerous vintage shopkeepers in our area working to preserve the history that we so love, friends and mentors. Stow works within Boston's dazzling Vintage community to help keep one another informed of auctions, estate sales, and beautiful pieces that we know our colleagues would enjoy researching and selling. We are thankful to all have our niches, and we are all equally as happy to share what historical value we can bring to each other's individual story, style and inventory.

Items available for purchase through Etsy can be found here.